The key to successfully managing your finances is knowing where you stand. If you're planning to take out a personal or car loan or open a new credit card, it's wise to check your credit score first. This will give you more insight into how lenders will view you when making decisions about your request. Checking your credit scores in NZ is easy and after reading this article, you’ll be able to do it yourself, so keep reading to find out more.
What Does a Credit Score Mean?
It’s a number between 0 to 1000 that represents your creditworthiness. Most of these scores range between 300 to 850. It depends on your credit history, which records your borrowing and repayment activity. A higher credit score increases your chances of getting a loan, so the higher, the better. A good credit score should be around 500 or more. Luckily, you can check your credit score for free online.
Many websites, including Clear Score and Equifax, offer this service for free. Some websites also provide a service where you can get your report updated monthly with any changes in it, but this service usually comes with an additional cost.
The Importance of Checking Your Credit Report
Your credit report is a snapshot of your financial health. It includes information about your credit accounts, payment history, and derogatory items. Checking your credit report can help you in the following ways:
- A credit report will help you detect errors and identify potential identity theft.
- It can help you monitor your financial progress.
- It can be a requirement by landlords, lenders, and insurers.
- It helps you know your score for proactive improvement in preparation for a car loan or personal loan to tend to a financial situation or supplement your lifestyle.
If you find that your score has dropped in the past few months, this may indicate that something is wrong with one of your credit accounts. Once you spot an error or other irregularity on your report, contact the creditor or organisation that provided the incorrect information and request immediate rectification.
What Factors Influence Your Credit Score?
There are a few key factors that influence your credit score. By understanding them, you can take steps for improvement. They include:
Payment History
This is how frequently you make payments. Setting up automatic payments for all your bills is one of the most effective ways to ensure you manage your loan repayment on time.
Credit Utilisation
To keep credit utilisation low, pay off more than the minimum balance on each card every month and keep them open but don't use them too often.
Length of Credit History
To build up the size of your credit history, go for a secured card or line of credit and then make payments on time.
The Number of Inquiries
To avoid placing multiple inquiries when applying for different cards at once or too many cards in general (known as churning), request one card at a time with an 18-month duration between applications. This way, you'll protect your credit score; many hard inquiries (queries raised when you formally apply for credit) within a short while can depict credit risk, lowering your credit score.
How to Check Your Credit Score
Up to this point, you know what a credit score is, the importance of a higher credit score, and the factors influencing your rating. It's now essential to understand how to check your credit score. Some of the ways include:
Visit a Website that Provides Free Credit Scores
Are you wondering how to check your credit score online? It is easy, thanks to technology. Several websites offer free credit scores; nevertheless, it is essential to read the terms and conditions before you sign up. There are certain websites that, for no charge, can provide you with educational scores that will explain how well you can manage your credit.
Check With the Company that Issued Your Credit Card or Your Lender
Many firms give free credit score services. You can check them by going into your account online or receiving them on your monthly statement. Credit card and auto loan companies are examples of these companies. Please note that in most cases, you will not be able to obtain the number until you first opt-in.
Talk to a Credit Counsellor at a Non-Profit Organisation
This is another way to check your credit score for free. Credit counsellors can frequently retrieve your scores without charging you and discuss the data. Check with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling to discover one that suits your needs.
At Better, we take satisfaction in assisting our clients in maintaining healthy financial wellbeing. Because of this, we created a reliable loan repayment calculator that makes it simple for you to determine how much you need to pay back each month.
Remember, when you repay your loans in time, you stand a better chance of improving your credit score. We're here to assist you in identifying the ideal course of action. Visit our website today or call us at 0800 666 065 for more information, or apply for a personal loan today.
Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current developments or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.